
Most recent posts

Transparency Triumphs: An Unforgettable Tale of Two Hotels

Have you ever walked into a hotel room, glanced at the wall and saw... reviews? Well, that's exactly what you would see if you stepped foot into Indus View Hotel, a small family-owned lodge in Skardu. Now, this might seem peculiar to some, perhaps...

Animated Changing Headline in GoHighLevel Using Vanilla JS

I was just recently working on a funnel in Gohighlevel with a request to have an animated headline with a fixed part and changing words as you can see below. Obviosly since there's no module for such in GHL natively, I came up with a simple Vanilla...

I moved 1,392 KM North

I’ve wanted to write this blog post ever since I made the move but had to soak up the decision and live through it before I could pen down my experience and motivation behind the move. YES if anyone still doesn’t know, I made a drastic...

Life Experiences

I moved 1,392 KM North

I moved 1,392 KM North

I’ve wanted to write this blog post ever since I made the move but had to soak up the decision and live through it before I could pen down my experience and motivation behind the move. YES if anyone still doesn’t know, I made a drastic life-changing decision to move...

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Don’t raise your daughters as slaves

Don’t raise your daughters as slaves

The following is my reaction to a recent conversation I had with a close friend who confessed about her abusive relationship with her husband. I had posted the following on Facebook, reposting here. Things like this need to be discussed openly, well this is a serious...

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Research, Public Speaking & Technology

Gamification Research Paper

Gamification Research Paper

I am super excited to tell the world that my research work on Gamification has been published in the Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology.  April 2019 | Vol. 97  No.08 Here is the abstract of it The concept of infusing game elements into non-game...

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Being a guest speaker at UIT

Being a guest speaker at UIT

I'd like to acknowledge the fact and be grateful for being invited as a guest speaker for the graduating class of electrical engineers of Usman Institute of Technology on 15th May 2018. Being surrounded by the energy of students who will eventually become the leaders...

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