
How to leverage Udemy for your SaaS business

by Mar 11, 2018Marketing

Let me share what will you be able to achieve right off if this strategy is done right.

🔥 Reduce Churn

🔥 Increase engagement with existing clients

🔥 Reduce Support tickets

🔥 Get new happy clients

🔥 Increase loyalty

🔥 Get more affiliates 

🔥 SEO benefits

So what is it, you may ask. ? Well it’s very simple

Utilize Udemy for your SaaS

🔥 It’s no wonder an audience base of 20 million students learning just about everything on Udemy, is a great place to be.

🔥 Create an awesome course detailing every aspect of your SaaS, go through various case studies as to what your most active users use it like and how they benefit from it. Perhaps invite them over a video chat or two, ask them if they are okay to showcase how are they using your SaaS in return for some discount/incentive etc Use that recording in your course.

🔥 Make the course free, [ HubSpot is one of the many successful ones using Udemy. Having their existing trainings on Udemy, enrolling now more 57K students ]

🔥 Instead of having trials, give your students credits to be redeemed. Trials do work, but psychology of students is to value what is not exactly free itself and is only available to them not anywhere else. So in your course give the students credits which they can redeem and use your SaaS inside out and learn everything there is.

🔥 Obviously once you do have a course created, send out an email to all your existing users too.

🔥 Listen and pay close attention to discussions taking place in your course.

🔥 Udemy is one hell of a monster, with more than 1 million backlinks it’s an SEO juggernaut and what better to use that to your advantage by having your courses and brand present there.

🔥 Have a premium version of your course with more advanced strategies/content, there are thousands of affiliates promoting courses on Udemy, with an awesome course you can lure those affiliates

🔥 Once you have course created, don’t just leave it on Udemy, go ahead and host it on your own website, put it out on YouTube the more the merrier.

🔥 Partner with existing course creators for access to your SaaS in return to leverage their student base. They can easily add value to their existing course or create a completely new one for you, so you don’t have to lift a finger and get established authority to pull all the right strings. There are course creators who have students in hundreds of thousands. Most of them also have their students segmented according to courses they have taken, which is awesome. As you can then offer them SaaS credits to their students, potentially getting thousands of new sales.

🔥 Make sure your course provides value and is of top notch quality. Get your sales page for the course written to target the people whose problems you are solving. So that it’s easier for everyone from the very get go that what problem your SaaS solves and how they can benefit.